今天是,Week 7,內容是 期中考複習
1. 消費者選擇理論(Consumer Choices)
- 確定性下的選擇:效用極大化與需求函數推導。
- 價格效果拆解:替代效果與所得效果的區分。
2. 跨期選擇(Intertemporal Choice)
- 如何在多個時期分配消費與儲蓄,並考慮利率的影響。
3. 不確定性下的選擇(Choices under Uncertainty)
- 期望效用假說及其應用:風險態度的分析(風險趨避、風險中立、風險愛好)。
4. 福利測量(Measuring Welfare)
- 政策影響的福利變化量化:補償變異(CV)與等價變異(EV)的應用與比較。
- 熟悉如何從效用函數推導需求函數,並練習相關的作業題型。
- 重點關注替代效果與所得效果的拆解過程,以及其在需求分析中的應用。
- 回顧期中考的結構與限制條件(例如,禁止攜帶計算器、筆記等)。
不過,我發現自己在處理 CV 與 EV 的計算時仍有些困惑,尤其是在應用於政策分析時,常常無法快速選擇正確的方法。
Today is Week 7, and the topic is Midterm Review
Course Content Review and Key Points
1. Consumer Choices
- Choices under certainty: Utility maximization and demand function derivation.
- Decomposition of price effects: Distinguishing between substitution effects and income effects.
2. Intertemporal Choice
- How to allocate consumption and savings across multiple periods, considering the impact of interest rates.
3. Choices under Uncertainty
- Expected utility hypothesis and its applications: Analysis of risk attitudes (risk-averse, risk-neutral, and risk-loving).
4. Measuring Welfare
- Quantifying welfare changes due to policy impacts: Applications and comparisons of Compensating Variation (CV) and Equivalent Variation (EV).
Important Suggestions and Exam Preparation
- Familiarize yourself with deriving demand functions from utility functions and practice related exercises.
- Focus on the decomposition process of substitution and income effects and their application in demand analysis.
- Review the structure and restrictions of the midterm exam (e.g., calculators and notes are prohibited).
Reflection Summary
This week’s review session helped me better understand the connections between the topics covered so far, particularly the practical applications of utility maximization and policy analysis.
However, I still find myself struggling with the calculations for CV and EV, especially when applied to policy analysis, as I often can’t quickly identify the correct approach. I hope to practice more on these key concepts before the exam to gain greater proficiency.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that calculators are prohibited in the exam, though someone still brought one during the test. Future students should be mindful of this rule when taking the course.