

一、預算限制(Budget Constraints)

1. 市場經濟與資源分配

2. 預算集合與預算線 
   - 預算集合(Budget Set)是所有能負擔的消費組合,而預算線(Budget Line)則是耗盡收入的消費組合。  


3. 預算線的斜率與機會成本
   - 預算線斜率的絕對值代表「市場替代率」,即消費者購買額外單位商品1時,必須放棄多少單位商品2。  


4. 價格與收入變動的影響
   - 價格變動:如商品價格增加,預算線向內傾斜,減少可負擔的商品數量。  
   - 收入變動:收入增加會使預算線平行向外移動。  

5. 政策分析  
   - 稅收與補貼對預算線的影響:銷售稅導致預算線內傾,而補貼則使預算線外移。  



1. 偏好的基本公理  
   - 完備性:消費者能夠比較任意兩個組合的偏好(如偏好A於B,或兩者無差異)。  
   - 反身性:任何組合都至少與自己一樣令人滿意。  
   - 傳遞性:如果偏好A於B,且偏好B於C,則偏好A於C。

2. 無差異曲線(Indifference Curve) 
   - 定義:代表所有與某消費組合效用相同的組合集合。  
   - 性質:  
     - 曲線不相交。  
     - 曲線向下傾斜,且凸向原點。  

3. 邊際替代率(MRS)
   - 定義:維持相同滿意度時,增加單位商品1所需放棄的商品2數量。  
   - 邊際替代率會隨商品1的增加而遞減,說明消費者對商品1的額外需求降低。  

4. 偏好的應用與下一步
   - 課程結尾提出「效用函數」的概念,作為分析消費者選擇行為的工具。  



Today was the second week of the course, and we received two handouts: one on budget constraints and the other on preferences.

A. Budget Constraints


1. Market Economy and Resource Allocation

- The lecture introduced how resources are allocated in a market economy through individual transactions, such as the exchange of goods or services, and compared it with planned economies.

- Everyday examples, like toothpaste allocation, were used to illustrate how markets operate.


2. Budget Set and Budget Line

- The Budget Set represents all affordable consumption bundles, while the **Budget Line** consists of consumption bundles that exhaust income.


3. Slope of the Budget Line and Opportunity Cost

- The absolute value of the budget line’s slope represents the "market rate of substitution," indicating how many units of commodity 2 must be forgone to purchase an additional unit of commodity 1.


4. Effects of Price and Income Changes

- Price Changes: When the price of a commodity increases, the budget line tilts inward, reducing the number of affordable goods.

- Income Changes: An increase in income shifts the budget line outward in parallel.


5. Policy Analysis

- The effects of taxes and subsidies on the budget line: sales tax causes the budget line to tilt inward, while subsidies shift it outward.


B. Preferences


1. Axioms of Preferences

- Completeness: Consumers can compare any two bundles (e.g., preferring A to B or being indifferent).

- Reflexivity: Any bundle is at least as satisfactory as itself.

- Transitivity: If A is preferred to B, and B is preferred to C, then A is preferred to C.


2. Indifference Curves

- Definition: Represents all bundles that provide the same level of satisfaction as a particular consumption bundle.

- Properties:

- Indifference curves do not cross.

- They slope downward and are convex toward the origin.


3. Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS)

- Definition: The amount of commodity 2 that must be given up to obtain an additional unit of commodity 1 while maintaining the same level of satisfaction.

- MRS diminishes as the quantity of commodity 1 increases, indicating reduced additional demand for commodity 1.


4. Applications of Preferences and the Next Step

- The lecture introduced the concept of the utility function, which serves as a tool to analyze consumer choice behavior.



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