今天是個體經濟學Week 01的課程,以下是今天的課程重點
- 透過假設、變數和函數來簡化複雜的經濟現象。
- 經濟模型的抽象化與物理學模型類似,利用數學工具分析現實問題。
拉格朗日乘數法(Lagrange Multiplier)
- 用「想買無限多台iPad但收入有限」的例子,說明資源稀缺的概念。
- 介紹如何用微積分和代數解決帶有約束條件的最適化問題。
- 發現公式背後的邏輯條理清晰,學習過程像在解數學謎題,提升了對工具的興趣。
比較靜態分析(Comparative Statics)
- 探討當稅率改變時,市場均衡價格和數量的變化反應。
- 強調經濟學不僅是理論,還能直接應用於政策分析,推導價格如何隨稅率變動。
- 對數學與經濟學的結合有了更深刻的體會。
- 學會用數學方法解釋經濟問題,尤其是在有限資源或政策變化的情境下。
- 理解數學工具不僅適用於學術研究,也是分析現實問題的重要手段。
- 增強對經濟模型和數學應用的興趣,期待學到更多實際應用的例子。
Today marks Week 01 of the Microeconomics course. Below are the key points from today’s class:
Key Learning Points
The Significance and Application of Economic Models
- Simplifying complex economic phenomena through assumptions, variables, and functions.
- Economic models share similarities with physics models, using mathematical tools to analyze real-world problems.
Lagrange Multiplier
- Explained the concept of resource scarcity using the example of "wanting to buy unlimited iPads but having limited income."
- Introduced how to solve optimization problems with constraints using calculus and algebra.
- Found the logic behind the formulas to be clear and organized, making the learning process feel like solving a math puzzle and sparking interest in the tool.
Comparative Statics
- Explored how changes in tax rates affect market equilibrium prices and quantities.
- Emphasized that economics is not just theoretical but can also be applied directly to policy analysis, such as deriving how prices respond to tax changes.
- Gained a deeper understanding of the integration between mathematics and economics.
Overall Takeaways from the Class
- Learned how to use mathematical methods to explain economic issues, especially in scenarios involving limited resources or policy changes.
- Understood that mathematical tools are not only useful for academic research but also essential for analyzing real-world problems.
- Developed a stronger interest in economic models and mathematical applications, looking forward to learning more practical examples in future classes.